Pizza Rock Happy Hour Is Real And Spectacular

Pizza Rock Downtown Las Vegas Happy Hour
Pizza Rock Happy Hour

I rarely visit the same bars and restaurants with the regularity I do Pizza Rock. There’s just so new many bars and restaurants opening that it’s fun to try something new.

With that being said, Pizza Rock has become my go to place to meet people in Downtown Vegas. You already know I think the Pizza Rock burger is the best in Downtown Vegas. My little crush on Pizza Rock has already detailed. I’ve been looking at the Pizza Rock 3-5-7 Happy Hour since they opened and never found an excuse to go until a few weeks ago.

I had a couple of hours until my next appointment so I figured that there’s no better way to kill time than to drink good beer on the cheap. Well drinks are $3 for the 3-5-7 Happy Hour and food is either $3, $5 or $7. The real winner here is the beer drinker.

All draft beer is the $5. This discounts some of their already great priced micro brews even further. Take a look at the menu which is missing some of the rotating seasonal or micro batch beers that rotate.

Pizza Rock Downtown Las Vegas Draft Beer List
Pizza Rock Draft Beer List

The prices for the smaller brews are fair at all times of the day but a $5 Delirium Tremens is fantastic. Not only won’t you find Delirium Tremens at many bars but you won’t find it for the regular $7 price and you definitely won’t find it for $5.

The beer above was something from the Lips of Faith series from New Belgium brewery. It was super sour and something I wouldn’t have tried unless it was $5. I’ve never had a beer like that so I’m glad that I tried it. It’s one of the draft beers that was on rotation at the time, so it may not be on draft when you visit.

I point out Delirium Tremens because it’s one of my favorite beers but there are plenty of great beer options at Pizza Rock. If you’re hungry you can have an excellent meal and beer for $10. That’s pretty, pretty good.

You can find cheaper drinks and food in Downtown Vegas but you won’t find prices that match the quality of beer and food you’ll get at Pizza Rock during happy hour. This is a great excuse to get out of the casinos for a little while and get some fresh air.

Note, Pizza Rock also has Craft Happy Hour from 10pm-2am that I always seem to forget about.

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