Will SLS Las Vegas Be Tropicana Of The North?

Tropicana Las Vegas Trop Plus Players Club
Trop Plus Players Club

Armen Yemenidjian, VP of Casino Operations, at Tropicana recently did an interview with the local ABC affiliate explaining Trop Plus Locals. Trop Plus Locals is a separate players club from the normal Tropicana players club with benefits just for locals like special parking, extra rebates and large dining discounts. It’s been around since last year but they’ve been promoting it a lot in the local media lately.

The benefits are great for locals and really lay the groundwork on how SLS Las Vegas can market itself to locals. SLS Las Vegas has been touting that they want to be the casino for locals on the north end of the Vegas Strip. This program is essentially a marketing plan on how a casino is doing that (or trying to) on the South end of the Vegas Strip. See video for details.