Want The Best People Watching In Vegas? Head To Encore

Las Vegas is great for people watching. There are fun, strange and interesting people everywhere from downtown Vegas to the Vegas strip. Recently my friends and I confirmed that our favorite people watching takes place at Encore.

One of my favorite nights playing blackjack happened a few years ago at Encore. Everybody at our table won, the cocktail waitresses were quick and that’s where we first noticed the fun of people watching at Encore.

While the focus of the Wynn/Encore complex is the Wynn casino I prefer Encore. Encore is smaller and quiet during the day while the nights are a little more action packed and more fun. Actually, both Wynn and Encore come to life when the clubs let out, but since the XS, Surrender and Tryst are all in Encore the fun begins there and dies out slightly with a walk through the Wynn Esplanade.

This is where the best people watching in Vegas happens. Whether you’re walking through the Wynn Esplanade between Wynn and Encore or just playing blackjack near the East Side Lounge at Encore you’re in for fun. A friend said that the best Las Vegas reality TV show would be watching the surveillance tape between XS and Wynn after 2am.

He may be right. Anyone want to make that?

No matter where you are people watching is at its best when people lose their inhibitions. This is the case by the time people are ready to leave the nightclubs. The condition of people leaving the clubs ranges from the designated driver to the friends that can’t walk to the heel rats walking barefoot through the dirty casino floor where its possible someone just vomited or peed a little.

The blackjack tables near the Eastside Lounge at Encore provide access to the best people watching in Vegas since it’s along the route to the cabs and parking garage at Encore. I have a short attention span and people watching serves as a nice secondary activity to playing blackjack. Sitting around watching people stumble around isn’t fun by itself.

Just be warned that, unless full, your blackjack table is likely to be infiltrated by people that don’t know how to play blackjack correctly. Dealers know this and deal slowly and offer help when appropriate. Thankfully, I don’t care. It all evens out in the end (see blackjack myths). If this bothers you, avoid this area at all costs.

Sure there are weirdo’s that are fun to watch all over but give me 3:2 blackjack and a variety of stumbling people late at night and you found me the best people watching in Las Vegas.

Photo: Flicker EricReplied

Tweet me @eastcoastgamblr


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  1. girlygirl

    I’m not sure what they call it, but there is a bar at Bellagio that we love for the people watching! It’s between the check-in/conservatory area and the casino. We usually have an afternoon/pre-dinner drink and just watch. Passersby fit into categories such as married spat, threesome and drunk, tired gambler.

    • Marc

      I think that’s Petrossian Bar. It has a piano player and is just off the lobby. They make great drinks too!

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