Fox News Doesn’t Get Vegas

Every now and then a news article comes along that just misses the boat entirely.  Fox News published this article the other day, crediting party pits as a reason for…

Vegas Vacation Notes

I used to take notes when I went on trips to Atlantic City and even sometimes in Las Vegas but I haven't done it in a while. Last week a…

Weekend Wrap – ROYAL FLUSH!

I spent the weekend at Planet Hollywood (again) so I could drink and see some old pals.  In between good times and table gaming I got some quality video poker…

No Resort Fees at Cosmopolitan!

Cosmopolitan continues to not follow trends of other strip properties in awesome ways.  This time we see that they're not going to have resort fees and don't plan on it.…

Gambling on the Strip

I'm just off of a long weekend on the strip in Las Vegas.  We stayed at Planet Hollywood and the hotel, itself, was more of the same.  I love the…