Weekend Wrap – ROYAL FLUSH!

I spent the weekend at Planet Hollywood (again) so I could drink and see some old pals.  In between good times and table gaming I got some quality video poker in.  I’ve shared some of what happened on my posterous over the weekend, but wanted to document on ECG.  I use posterous to document my pictures when mobile, so follow that for the (mostly) good stuff.

The video poker portion of the weekend started off fairly blah.  Lots of ups and downs and more than too many near misses.  After recovering all of my losses I was pretty stoked.  I woke up the next morning a bit too hungover, but on the way to get coffee I took a pit stop in the high limit room and decided to try a 25 play machine.  The pay tables for Bonus Poker were as good as any other in the casino (7/5) and while I don’t normally play this kind of game, but decided to give it a whirl.  I’m happy I did, because I got my first ROYAL FLUSH in over a year!  Too bad I was only playing quarters. 🙂