Super Bowl Prop Bets: Steelers

I love Super Bowl Prop bets. I usually break them down by segment – each team, game, silly, etc. and share my favorites later in the week after I’ve had…

Super Bowl Prop Bets: Packers

I love Super Bowl Prop bets. I usually break them down by segment – each team, game, silly, etc. and share my favorites later in the week after I’ve had…

Super Bowl Game Prop Bets

I love Super Bowl Prop bets. I usually break them down by segment - each team, game, silly, etc. and share my favorites later in the week after I've had…

Wanna Buy the Hard Rock Hotel?

The Hard Rock Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas received a notice of foreclosure today by its lenders.  That's the bad news.  What's bad news for some can be opportunity…

Ever Get Short Sticked? Me Neither.

I love when I learn something new.  Yesterday, thanks to Jeff Simpson's article on casino irritations and annoyances on two way hard three I learned about Short Sticking! "...stick men…

Aria Commercial

Last week Aria posted a new commercial on youtube and facebook.  Unlike the Cosmopolitan commercial, I haven't seen it on TV yet and don't expect to. The commercial fits the…

Holly’s World Good Bad TV

Holly's World debuted last night.  I was stoked because I love bad TV with good looking girls.  While watching the first episode, I found myself getting slightly upset about how…

John Unwin and Cosmopolitan on Nightline

Three things about this interview with John Unwin for Cosmopolitan after my disclaimer that I really like Cosmopolitan. I'm pretty sure the "curious class" numbers being thrown around are made…