Google Glass Goes Gambling

Google Glass Goes Gambling In Atlantic City Casino
Google Glass Goes Gambling

First, casino operators were okay with Google Glass being worn in their casinos then someone told them what Google Glass is and they changed their mind and said Google Glass wouldn’t be welcome in their casinos.

Well, casinos are big and Google Glass is new and small so someone was able to make his way into an Atlantic City casino (looks like Caesars to me) and play some slot machines before a roulette dealer tells him to remove them. Check it out.

In typical east coast fashion nobody looks at him so nobody even notices that he’s wearing Google Glass. As this technology grows in popularity security will know what to look for but this is a fun first person point of view walking into a casino. For security sake, the dealer knew to ask him to remove the Google Glass when he revealed what he was wearing. You can see how easy it is to use Google Glass as an illegal recording device.

On a tech side the Google Glass video looks similar to Go Pro video but a lesser quality. Still, it’s pretty good quality for glasses with a video camera. While I think Google Glass is cool, I don’t want people wearing them around me. They’re a little creepy.

You can read more about what it’s like wearing Google Glass in a casino at Venture Beat.