Venetian Renovations Almost Complete

I usually visit Venetian a couple times a week, but haven’t been here in a couple of weeks as I was staying next door at Palazzo then stayed away from the strip for Christmas. In that time there has been major progress in the construction to the walkway from the parking garage into the Grand Canal Shops.

The photo above should give an idea of the Italian inspired wall trimmings and marble flooring. The floors look similar to the marble floors in the casino that aren’t in the lobby. Thankfully they don’t make me as dizzy or remind me of the video game Q-Bert.

Venetian Construction
Venetian Construction

While the ceilings aren’t complete, you can get an idea of what it will look like. The floors seem to be complete as you can see from the picture above. One half of the walls are also complete with fixtures and trimmings as you can see below (click image for larger size).

Something I’ve never seen before are tables being laid out with new felt. I always assumed this was done behind the scenes but I snapped this picture of a couple of felts while a worker was stapling felt to a roulette table.

Venetian Construction
Venetian Construction

The rest of the casino floor seems to be almost cleaned, but to my disappointment my favorite penny Top Dollar slot machine was blocked off. That’s probably a good thing since I usually lose money there.