Planet Hollywood Hollywood Hip Room

My last trip to Las Vegas was my longest and I split duty between Planet Hollywood and the Venetian.  Generally, I love staying at Planet Hollywood and this time was…

Middle Finger To Las Vegas

Palms Springs, CA just launched a new, funny, advertising campaign aimed at Las Vegas.  I love Las Vegas, but I also like to laugh. This is an interesting campaign as…

Vegas Chatter

If you follow me on twitter you've probably noticed that I've contributed a bunch of stories from my last trip to Las Vegas to Vegas Chatter.  In case you missed…

Planning a Trip to Las Vegas

I was tweeting with DenverGambler before his latest trip to Las Vegas and he talked about a "To-Do List" that he was making for the trip.  I'm a curious guy…

Vegas Cab Drivers – Good, Bad, Ugly

Between twitter, blogs and various forums I've been reading about how cab drivers in Las Vegas have been getting worse.  I've read that some have become abusive and more have…

Pictures From Las Vegas

I uploaded most of my pictures from my trip to Las Vegas to flickr. There were more pictures than I've taken on any trip...ever.  I'm not a big picture taker.…

Repeat Order

I've been planning another trip to Las Vegas and it is upon me.  Earlier this year I ask for your opinion on where I should stay on my next trip…

Solo Travel – Las Vegas

My trip in April to Las Vegas was my first alone.  I don't vacation much alone, bu I decided that this trip was meant to be - friends or not.…