Sports Betting Looks Like a Long Shot in New Jersey

It seemed as if the state of New Jersey was going to fight to get sports betting legalized a few months back.  Well, today Governor Chris Christie decided not to move the efforts forward.

“At this time, given the unprecedented economic crisis and other challenges facing the state, the governor has determined that the state’s limited resources would be better utilized by focusing on other, more immediate issues facing the citizens of New Jersey,” (Jeff) Chiesa wrote.

A Christie spokesman, Michael Drewniak, said “there were just too many steep legal hurdles to clear, and it would at best be a legal long shot.”

I’ll never understand politics anywhere, let alone New Jersey.  New Jersey is in dire need of income to keep balancing its budgets, so it seems strange that the state is turning away from a possible new income stream.

I expect this to be looked at by the state again in the near future.