People from New Jersey Want Sports Betting

A Fairleigh Dickenson study shows that New Jersey residents wan’t sports gambling.  In fact they want it by more than a 2 to 1 ratio.  The sample size is very small but, as someone who would love to see legal sports gambling in New Jersey, this is nice to see.

In the poll, 63 percent of New Jerseyans said they support making sports betting legal at the 11 Atlantic City casinos, while 32 percent opposed it. Men favored it by a 69-27 margin, while women’s support was softer at 58-36.

Its interesting to see the difference in where these same people would like to see sports gambling.

The poll also found similarly strong support for allowing sports betting at horse racing tracks, by a margin of 63 percent to 30 percent.

But voters were nearly split on whether to allow it at off-track betting parlors, with 48 percent saying yes and 43 percent saying no.

By a wide margin, 66 to 26 percent, New Jerseyans oppose legalizing sports betting by telephone and the Internet.

I find it strange that anyone would want to legalize sports gambling in public, but not on the internet – in the privacy of someone’s home.  I must be missing something there.  

Hopefully, the continued public acceptance of sports gambling will prove to government that there is a place for this.  This can only help the casino business.


Source:  Read the results of the poll from FDU.

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