Keith Olbermann Calls Steve Wynn The Worst Person In The World

Steve Wynn Is The Worst Person In The World On MSNBC
Steve Wynn Is The Worst Person In The World

Keith Olbermann was entertaining to me when he was on ESPN Sportscenter.  I didn’t watch Countdown on MSNBC because I tend to stay away from politics on TV.  I don’t care about his politics, but he was fun with sports. I watch brainless TV and sports and I’m happy with that.

Anyway, Olbermann got the boot from MSNBC and is now on Current TV and he’s still doing the “Worst Person In The World” sketch.  Last night Steve Wynn won the “Worst Person In The World” for comments he made about Barack Obama earlier this week.  Evidently this made him a worse person than Sarah Palin and Congressman Alan West.

Take a look.

When I started writing this post I asked who was more obnoxious Steve Wynn or Keith Olbermann and Olbermann won in a landslide.  The comment that I echo is from Denver Gambler ” Olberman for sure, he doesn’t have a snazzy casino”.

Now this brings up a new question: Would you rather be the “Worst” or “Most Obnoxious”?