If A Casino Does A Weekly 72 Hour Sale Is It Really A Sale?

I don’t follow many casinos on twitter anymore.  Most of them violate my personal twitter etiquette and I don’t want their useless crap mixed in with crap that is useful to me.  Anyway, over the past few weeks I’ve noticed a lot of casinos offering 3-day sales each week.  For example, Tropicana seems to be one of those casinos to have a sale every week.  Here’s proof of the end…kinda…

Topicana Las Vegas 72 Hour Sale
Topicana Las Vegas 72 Hour Sale

Let’s use Tropicana as the example; They’re not the only casino offering a “sale” 60% of every week and they’re not the only casino to offer discounted rates when they’re not offering these “sales”.  So what makes these sales useful to the consumer if prices are always discounted?

It’s general knowledge that most businesses offer their cheapest rates midweek anyway so besides sexing up their discounted rates these sales don’t seem to really offering anything special – especially if they’re offering the same special deals every week and then discounted rooms on the days where there isn’t a sale.

If these sales aren’t really special and most of the casinos are just retweeting positive mentions of their property then why would you or I follow them?  The answer, for me, is I won’t.  I’ll just find something else to waste my 30 seconds on if you’re not providing me anything special or interesting or useful.