Dog Days of Summer

The dog days of summer is one of my favorite times to bet on baseball.  By this time I can get a good gauge on which teams can hit and…

The Government Wants You To Gamble

Legalized gambling has exploded over the past few years and there's more on the way.  Various members of the government have discussed why they're approving more gambling in their states…

Slot Machine Payouts – July 13

The latest slot machine payouts from Gambling Teachers was released on July 13th.  I missed June payouts, but it seems as if payouts are slightly less than the May reports. …

Betting On The NBA Draft

I was checking for some interesting sports bets this weekend and saw that had lines for the NBA Draft this week.  I'm a sucker for the NBA and NFL…

Gambling Map of America

I was browsing my RSS feed tonight while watching the Yankees game and came across a link on The Die is Cast for this interactive map of gambling in America.…

3 Card Poker Strategy

After my trip to Las Vegas I realized that I played 3 card poker more than any other table game.  This isn't normal for me as I usually mix games…