Big (10%) Cosmopolitan Opening!

Until today, I tried to keep away from the hoopla of the big Cosmopolitan opening.  I like so much of what they’re doing going into launch that just about every bit of news I’ve read has been the same…and…of course the opening is going to be awesome.  It’s a shiny new casino.  A few tweets stood out to me today that had some interesting information.  Vegas Tripping had the most interesting note:

The Cosmopolitan has 3,000 rooms so this represents that only about 10% of the rooms were open.  Even if there were a few more rooms open, there are still not many rooms open at the grand opening.  By calling this a “soft opening”, the casino protects itself from this day being considered a flop.

If things don’t pick up in the first quarter, expect to see some of the negative chatters chattering.  Expecting the worst, but hoping for the best.

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