How To Get Dudes To Gamble? Bouncing Boobs Works

When I was in Las Vegas in August, I noticed something kind of awesome, but kind of not awesome at Planet Hollywood‘s Pleasure Pit.  No question that the Pleasure Pit is chock full of beautiful dealers.

Photo: Pulse of Vegas Blog

I noticed that the most cleavagey and bounciest dealers were stationed at the Big Six Wheel.  In fact, the dealers were so exuberant that they were jumping up and down before, during and after they spun the Big Wheel.

For obvious reasons this definitely brought the guys over to gamble on a game that’s usually empty and with some of the worst odds in a casino.

The house edge on the Big Six Wheel is as high as 24% in favor of the casino.  So, for every dollar bet the casino makes almost a quarter.  By comparison the house edge on the pass line in craps is less than 1%.

Smart move by Planet Hollywood having big bouncy boobs at the game with some of the worst odds for the customer.  I can easily see this being adopted by other casinos.  You may notice this at 6:5 blackjack and other games less favorable to the customer.

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  1. FoolsGold

    Yes. For eons, the Big Six Wheel at a carnival has been at the entranceway and is manned by a barker who does whatever he can to arouse the interests of males to enter.

    Obviously, casinos often employ attractive young ladies with high hemlines and low necklines. Be it to serve drinks, sell cigarettes, deal blackjack, etc., its a casino not a convent! And females are not only encouraged to dress in a provocative manner but are often required to do so.

    Back in the Benny Binion days, he was the only one in town with the courage to put up a chart on the wall showing bust dimensions, cup size and which shifts a job applicant would be qualified for. He also had a mirror rigged right there that let a woman see exactly what men would see as she was bending down to put a drink on the beverage ledge of a craps table.

    So what is wrong? You want a dealer to wear a Burka? Or just a Sports Bra? I’d prefer 3:2 blackjack and no pole dancing. Casinos make more money with the bouncing boobs. What did you expect!

  2. Marc

    I didn’t say there was anything wrong. I’ll look. 🙂

    It was just an observation and something not every other casino employs.

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