Vegas Is Getting Younger Quickly, You’re Not Aging That Fast

Vegas Is Getting Younger
Say Goodbye To These Folks

John Unwin, CEO of Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas, did a sort of strange interview with Bloomberg last week. He was lobbed some softball questions about Las Vegas before being asked about Atlantic City, a market he’s never worked in. Since the Cosmo or any of his previous jobs have no connection to Atlantic City he seemed very lost. That part of the interview was a bad look for Unwin and Bloomberg.

The softball questions surrounded why Las Vegas is in such good shape. One of the interesting bits of information from this interview is that the median age of the Las Vegas customer has gone from 50 To 44 in the past two years. That’s a huge drop.

The large decrease in median age makes sense when you look at all of the new properties and club openings. As the reinvention of Vegas continues it seems as though that median age will continue to fall.

After G2E it seems as though all marketing focus has switched to millennials. If  there is any success with this group of consumers the median age of the Las Vegas customer will continue to surge downward rapidly.

If you feel old when you’re in Vegas today get ready to feel really old in a couple of years.

You can see the complete 5 minute interview below for more information and context.

Photo: Lehigh Valley Live

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