Cosmopolitan Taking Video Games Seriously

This weekend Cosmopolitan opened the EA Sports Bar. I thought it was opening around the release of Madden 2013, but I was mistaken. Pictures of the EA Sports Bar look cool but I don’t see any reason to go here even if I’m at Cosmopolitan and want to watch sports.

On top of the EA Sports Bar, Cosmo is continuing their sojourn into the video game world holding a tournament this weekend.

Professional video game competition is coming to the Strip, as the Cosmopolitan hosts top players vying for $150,000 in prizes.

The IGN Pro League opens its IPL 4 tournament this weekend at the Chelsea.

“StarCraft 2” players will vie for $100,000 prize pool. The “League of Legends” slate offers a chance at $50,000.

Competition begins at 9 a.m. Friday, with finals set for 9 p.m. Sunday. It will include the finals for Korea’s Global StarCraft Team Leagues — the first time that the e-sports event has been held outside that country.

Nothing like 3 days notice to people interested in joining a tournament. This is clearly focused on the locals market and not the tourist. I wasn’t sure that there were hardcore gamers that would be of legal age to even enter a casino but Denver Gambler tells me that when he used to work at GameStop that there were plenty of over 21 customers.

This even leaves me at a loss for words, which is rare. Anyway pew pew pew!

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